Carlos Bulosan and Filipino American Activism
January 28, 2015 - 6:33 am
We have a very rich history of labor union activity in the Pacific Northwest. We highlight Carlos Bulosan and the immigrant Filipino and Filipino American labor organizing community.
News Director, Sonya Green interviews the following guests at the KBCS studios:
- Conor Casey – University of Washington Libraries Special Collections Labor Archivist
- Joaquin Uy – Community Organizer and Campaigns Coordinator with BAYAN Pacific Northwest (also former KBCS News Director)
An exhibit on Carlos Bulosan, “Author, Poet and Worker: The World of Carlos Bulosan” is currently running at the University of Washington Libraries Special Collections. It ends on March 13.
Other links mentioned:
Wing Luke Museum of the Asian Pacific American Experience
University of Washington Special Collections all digitized materials relating to Carlos Bulosan
Labor Archives of Washington, special topical section on Cannery Worker Unionism
Details on the Carlos Bulosan exhibit at the University of Washington
- The IF Project Volunteer Mentor Program
- $12 minimum wage bill passes its first hurdle