A fond farewell from Carol Handley
August 8, 2018 - 3:16 pm

Just over two years ago, I returned to KBCS at Bellevue College–my alma mater and the first place on the dial that I gained experience in the joy of sharing music and community on the radio. I’ve worn a few hats behind the mic, working with the KBCS staff and mighty volunteers who make the station the unique treasure it is. KBCS has been growing community from the roots up for 45 years, and reflecting the community through deep conversation and exploration of the history of many musical genres. It’s been such a pleasure to help shape the sound of the afternoon show. I know that you will continue to enjoy the mix. On this last day for me, I wanted to say “thank you” for all you do to help make sure KBCS continues to grow, thrive, and build community. – See You Out There, Carol