2022 Year-End Message from our General Manager

December 7, 2022 - 10:26 am
Dear Friends and Supporters of KBCS,
As this year comes to close, I want to thank everyone who listens to KBCS for your enduring support for true community radio across the greater Puget Sound. For nearly fifty years now, listener supporters like you have always been there for us during the good times and those occasional not so good times.
That’s the definition of a true friend; someone who is there for you when you need them. Fair weather friends come and go, but faithful friends are always willing to lend a hand when you are down on your luck or going through a tough time and you need someone just to be there for you.
At the turn of knob, flick of a switch, the click of a mouse, or a voice command to Alexa or Siri, KBCS is always there for you. Those familiar and friendly voices, many of which you have been listening to for decades, are there for you, day and night, every single day of the year, sharing their passion for music and life here in the Pacific Northwest. They are the voices of everyday people that live, work, and play right here in our community.
Nonprofit community radio stations like KBCS are often especially hard hit during times of inflation when for many people just filling up the car to go grocery shopping is a major challenge. At KBCS we understand the quandaries associated with living on a tight budget and remain committed to bringing you the true community radio experience. An experience featuring our impressive variety of music programming and impactful local news without the need for anyone to pay a monthly subscription fee.
But radio broadcasting isn’t cheap, and it takes a village of like-minded people to keep nonprofit community radio KBCS on the air. During this season of giving, I trust that KBCS is on your gift list, and if it is within your means I hope you can add a little more to your end of the year giving to help close the gap in our fundraising goal created by those who just can’t afford a donation to KBCS this year.
The economic cycles of boom and bust come and go, but thanks to supporters like you, KBCS is still on the air. Next year marks our 50th anniversary of broadcasting across the greater Seattle metro. Fifty years of true democracy in action where everyday people from all walks of life have a broadcasting voice on the air and not just professional broadcasters or big corporate media conglomerates. Please help us preserve this unique democratic tradition here in the Pacific Northwest with a donation today so that the next generation of Puget Sounders will have the same opportunity we have to take part in true community radio. Make your tax-deductible donation now.
Seasons Greetings and Happy New Year from all your friends at KBCS to all our friends and neighbors across the greater Puget Sound and online around the world.
Dana Lee Buckingham
KBCS General Manager and Proud Sustaining Supporter of Community Radio KBCS
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