Restorative Practices

February 22, 2024 - 7:39 am
Excerpt of an interview with Michelle Strange on working through a restorative case, accountability, and …how Audre Lorde’s words of wisdom fit into restorative practice
What do you do when you feel harmed by power dynamics at work, school or even at home? Michelle Strange is the Director of Bellevue College Restorative Practices, a program that proactively builds community and responds to incidents of harm on campus. Restorative Practices has trained twenty, on-site restorative facilitators to date, and is working to bring in twenty more people trained in responsive facilitation. (to manage circles in response to harm) KBCS interviewed Strange about how restorative practices are implemented at Bellevue College and offers tips on how to respond when harm was caused and experienced.
Restorative Practices Resources:
Restorative Responses to Harms You’ve Caused
Producer: Yuko Kodama
Photo: Bellevue College
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