Community Events Calendar
Please use the form below to submit your event for consideration to be included on the KBCS events calandar. KBCS also occasionally provides free on-air event announcements to community non-profit organizations featured on our events calendar.
The announcements are short, 20-30 messages about events/public services in the KBCS listenership area. For full consideration, please provide information on your upcoming event as far in advance as possible.
Please review the criteria provided below then submit your event for consideration here:
KBCS Announcement Request
Criteria Required for Consideration:
In order for your organization’s announcement to be considered, your event or service must meet the five criteria listed below. If you have any questions or concerns please contact Ben Brandow.
- Non-political – Non-partisan events around politics may be acceptable, but events that endorse politicians or political parties are not.
- Non-religious – A community event that happens to take place at a place of worship may be acceptable, but events organized by religious groups for promoting their beliefs is not.
- Free admission – The event must be open to the public and admission free.
- Non-profit/Bellevue College – Events or services of non-profit organizations or of Bellevue College.
- Non-Fundraising – KBCS recognizes that there are many causes worthy of support in our listening area, however, KBCS cannot fundraise on behalf of other organizations.
What’s included in a Community Announcement?
Please include the following when submitting your information to KBCS.
Who: What is the name of the organization providing service or holding the event?
What: What is the nature of the service or the event?
When: When does the event take place? i.e. date or date and time.
Where: Where is the location for service or where the event takes place?
How to get more information: If there is more information available about your non-profit organization, service or event, please provide a web address where the information can be found.
*KBCS provides a limited number of free on-air announcements and reserves the right to select, edit, and terminate any announcements at any time, for any reason. Preference may be given to organizations/events that align with and further the mission of KBCS.
If your organization would benefit from more consistent messaging on KBCS, consider supporting KBCS by underwriting/sponsoring KBCS programming. For more information on becoming a KBCS Underwriter, contact Tavis Buchan or visit our underwriting page.