September 30, 2024 – October 5, 2024

Welcome to Japan Week 2024! This will be our 8th annual JAPAN WEEK @ Bellevue College, presented by the BC Japanese Culture Exchange Club. The weekdays, Sept. 30 (Mon) through Oct. 4 (Fri), feature lectures and demonstrations for Bellevue College students. Oct. 5 (Sat) is our Matsuri (festival) day open to the general public and to BC students who missed the weekday events. Japan Week aims to introduce multiple facets of Japanese culture and to nurture and promote the cultural arts of Japan.
In order to prepare for the Manga Swap, Japan Market, and Flea Market, we will be collecting manga, ‘nicer’ Japanese items, and ‘less expensive’ items. Thank you for the support!
Aug. 16 (Fri) 2pm – 6pm
Aug. 17 (Sat) 11am – 6pm
Bellevue College
3000 Landerholm Circle SE, Bellevue, WA
Parking lot #10 (Look for the red “Nihon Matsuri” banners)
More information on this year’s Japan Week will be added as we plan another exciting event this year! Stay tuned!