Unmute the Commute: Biker, Lawyer… Bike Lawyer
Over the last four years, deaths of pedestrians and bicyclists in Washington State have doubled. This comes at a time when the state wants to get to zero traffic fatalities by the year 2030. So, how do we get there? We talk to Seattle bike lawyer Bob Anderton to hear one proposal.
Produced by Jennie Cecil Moore
Unmute the Commute is supported in part by Just One Trip. A King County Metro initiative to get you out of your car starting with just one trip.
Sankofa Impact: The Poor People’s Campaign
Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. organized the Poor People’s Campaign a month before his assassination 50 years ago. Bob Zellner is a civil rights activist and author who actively took part in the original campaign and is a leader in today’s nonviolent direct actions. KBCS’s Ruth Bly spoke with Zellner in April, 2018 about the Poor People’s Campaign.