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The Impact of Domestic Violence on Children

This series focuses on the impact of domestic violence on the child.

KBCS’s K.D. Hall speaks with Dr. Tracee Parker, from Coalition Ending Gender Based Violence. Dr. Parker is a domestic violence expert who also formerly ran the Safe Havens Supervised Visitation and Safe Exchange Grant Program.

Hall also interviewed Shawn Carter, Ingraham High School football coach, who shares his experience of growing up witnessing domestic violence in his household.

This six-part series focuses on how children coping with the trauma of witnessing abuse, deal with the impact as they transition into adulthood.


Interview With a Childbirth Specialist

One experience we all share is that we’ve all been born. In this series, you’ll listen to a physical therapist who’s specialized in childbirth education and labor support since 1968. Her name’s Penny Simkin and KBCS’s Yuko Kodama interviewed her in this five-part series.
