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Fall Fund Drive

Our Fall Fund Drive begins tomorrow, but you can help KBCS get a head start by making your gift today. Nearly 90% of KBCS funding comes from individual listeners. Help keep the programs you love going strong by donating now!

$150,000 Goal


Drive ends: September 30, 2024

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DACA Student Voice on the Election of President Trump

The Obama administration signed the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) in 2012 to allow undocumented immigrant minors the ability to remain in the US to work or attend school. Recently, the White House announced that they will be issuing a new Executive Order to ban entry by citizens from the same seven Muslim-majority countries again. While restrictions for people entering the US get tighter, people who have lived in the US for most or nearly all of their lives face uncertainties. Here are reflections of a local DACA student on the election of President Trump. KBCS’s Yuko gathered this audio the day after the elections in November.