Seattle Divests From the Dakota Access Pipeline
The full Seattle City Council voted unanimously on February 7, 2017 to divest 3 billion dollars of their business from Wells Fargo Bank, a creditor for the Dakota Access Pipeline project in North Dakota. KBCS’s Yuko Kodama recently spoke with one of Yes Magazine’s senior editors, James Trimarco on the phone about their coverage of the divestment. Seattle is now the first municipality to divest from a bank because of the Dakota Access Pipeline.
DAPL Construction Impacts On A Local Sioux Member
Local Standing Rock Sioux tribal member, Kyle Shierbeck shares how his family was directly impacted by the Dakota Access Pipeline construction project. Here’s KBCS Contributing Producer, Esther Little Dove John speaking with Shierbeck in the KBCS Studios.
Photo courtesy of Leslie Peterson
Local Tulalip/Swinomish Member’s Experiences at Standing Rock
The Protest against the Dakota Access Pipeline ended in triumph over the weekend. We now turn to a personal story from Matika Wilbur, a northwest tribal member who was called to Standing Rock by the Sioux nation just a few months ago. KBCS Reporter Esther Dove John has more.
photo courtesy of Leslie Peterson