The Man Behind ‘Essence’, the Black Women’s Magazine
Essence is a well-known monthly African American women’s magazine. What may not be as well-known is the successful black women’s lifestyle publication was founded by four African American men including Edward Lewis. Edward Lewis was in our studios to share his perspective and experience in starting up, Essence.
Episode 1 – Co-Founder of Essence Magazine, Edward Lewis talks about the women who influenced him
Episode 2 – Edward Lewis speaks about the power of black women in our society.
Episode 3 – Edward Lewis recounts the challenges he faced in starting up this now successful monthly.
Episode 4 – Edward Lewis, explains how he helped kickstart Latina Magazine with Christy Haubegger. Lewis also talks about the importance of a woman’s magazine that covers all topics including those sometimes considered controversial.
Photo: Courtesy of Essence Magazine
Music: Rushus – modal blues
Producers: Sonya Green and Ruth Bly