A Tribal Perspective on Genetically Engineered Salmon
How might some people from cultures that have centered their diet and spirituality around salmon feel about genetically engineered salmon?
KBCS News & Public Affairs Director, Sonya Green speaks with Rob Purser, Fisheries Director of the Suquamish Tribe, Valerie Segrest, Community Nutritionist and registered member of the Muckleshoot Tribe, and Anne Mosness, long time Fisherwoman and President of the Women’s Maritime Association about their take on the possible approval of genetically engineered salmon for commercial sale.
Tatoosh Group of the Sierra Club’s Cascade Chapter
Listen to the discussion here
Genetically Modified Crops and the Environment
According to recent study, more pesticides are being used than ever before on genetically modified, “Round-up Ready”, corn crops and genetically modified cotton. Host Sean Donovan interviewed Dr. Chuck Benbrook, Faculty Member of Washington State University’s Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources.
General Election: November 5th, 2013
In King, Pierce, and Snohomish Counties the last day to register to vote is October 28th.
The 2013 general election is Tuesday, November 5th. You can vote:
- By mail. Ballots require first class postage and must be postmarked by November 5th.
- At an accessible voting center by 8 p.m.
- At a 24-hour drop box or a scheduled van drop by 8 p.m.
Don’t forget to sign your ballot envelope!
For extensive election coverage from KBCS, check out Sonya Green’s interviews with candidates for Bellevue City Council, Bellevue School Board, Seattle City Council, Seattle School Board and Initiative 522.
Voting information is available on your county election website:
- King County Elections – http://www.kingcounty.gov/elections.aspx
- Pierce County Elections – http://www.co.pierce.wa.us/index.aspx?NID=328
- Snohomish County Election – http://www1.co.snohomish.wa.us/Departments/Auditor/Divisions/Elections_Voting/
For a progressive take on the upcoming election, check-out the Progressive Voter’s Guide.
Genetically Modified Foods
You know the saying, you are what you eat? Well what if you don’t know what’s in the food you’re eating?
Genetically modified food (GMO’s) is a hot topic of debate. What is genetically modified food? Is it good or harmful?
In Washington State come November, voters will decide the fate of Initiative 522, which would to require special labeling of genetically modified foods. Federal law does not require genetically engineered food labeling.
To discuss GMO’s versus non-GMO’s and i-522, Sonya Green speaks with three guests:
- Director of Public Affairs at Puget Consumer Coop, Trudy Bialic
- Board member from Washington State Physicians for Social Responsibility (and a registered nurse), Karen Bowman
- Eastern Washington conventional wheat grower, Tom Stahl from Waterville, Washington
Listen to the interview: KBCS_M+I_2013-05-01_GMO
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