Bebe Moore Campbell
KBCS Producer Kevin Henry brings you a reflection on the work of Author, Journalist and Educator, Bebe Moore Campbell.
Producer: Kevin Henry
Photo: Original publication: 2004 Immediate source:
–David Neiwert: The Rise of and Dangers of White Supremacy
David Neiwert is a local investigative journalist who has specialized in writing about right wing extremism. He was a reporter for the Daily Kos. He has also been an investigator, analyst and reporter for the Southern Poverty Law Center. Neiwert is also author of the book, The Age of Insurrection: The Radical Right’s Assault on American Democracy.
He’ll be speaking about the rise and dangers of white supremacy at the Everett Civic Auditorium at 6:30 October 26. The event is sponsored by Unidos, and Communities Against Hate and Violent Extremism (CAHVE). Co-sponsored by the American Civil Liberties Union, Alliance for Gun Responsibility, American Civil Liberties Union, Anti-Defamation League of the Pacific Northwest, CAIR Washington, Change The Narrative, Edmonds Unitarian Universalist Church, Faith Action Network, NAACP of Snohomish County, National Organization of Women, Northwest Progressive Institute, Paths To Understanding, Salish Sea Federation of Democratic Women, Snohomish County Indivisible, Snohomish County Pride, WA Partners for Social Change, WSDCC, Separation of Church and State Caucus.