The Black Panther Party – Seattle Chapter
This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Seattle chapter of the Black Panther Party. The Seattle chapter of the Black Panther Party was the first to be established outside of California. This series highlights some lesser known stories of Seattle’s local Black Panther Party.
KBCS’s Yuko Kodama speaks with Steve Roberson and Aaron Dixon, former members of Seattle’s Black Panther Party. Steve Roberson served as a vista volunteer for the Party in the free community health clinic and breakfast program in the early 70’s, and Aaron Dixon was the former leader of Seattle’s Black Panther Party.
Part 1 – Dixon explains how the Seattle chapter of the Black Panther Party was founded.Roberson shares about memories about the Black Panther Party health clinic in the late 1960’s.
Part 2 – Black Panther Party members were required to educate themselves about black history. The mission was to serve the community. Dixon describes a day in the life of a Black Panther Party member.
Part 3 – Dixon describes how the Black Panther Party free breakfast program worked and who donated to the organization.
Part 4 – One of the Black Panther Party’s programs was to protect the community from racial aggression. Dixon recounts an incident the orgnanization was involved in at Rainier Beach High School.
Part 5 – Roberson shares about an encounter at the Black Panther Party free community medical clinic that changed his perspective on community.
Part 6 – Dixon illustrates how the organization was supported by the local community during a confrontation with the Seattle Police, and explains the history behind a sculpture at Madrona Elementary school and Library
Part 7 – Dixon shares what happened as Black Panther Party chapters in Los Angeles and Chicago were attacked by federal government entities, resulting in 4 political assassinations of Black Panther Party leaders
Part 8 – Dixon reflects on how the Seattle chapter of the Black Panther Party weathered the more intense period after J Edgar Hoover proclaimed the Black Panther Party breakfast program a threat to national security.
Part 9 – Dixon describes how former Seattle Mayor Wes Uhlman stepped in to keep the local chapter safe.
Part 10 – Dixon gives his take on how civil rights and black liberation movements of the 60s and 70’s compare to the social movements of today.
Part 11 – Dixon shares the Seattle Black Panther Party’s relationship with Jimi Hendrix.
Bridging the Gap Between Kids and Farms
It’s not often that school-age children get to experience the bounty of food grown on farms in Seattle’s fertile neighboring valleys. “Farm to table” is best known as a culinary experience at high end restaurants. One after-school and pre-school care program is turning that around. Not only are they sourcing locally grown food with the help of a start-up to “bridge the gap between fields and kitchens”, they’re working to make sure staff know how to cook with the valleys unique ripe and ready produce. Martha Baskin has the story.
The Impact of a High School “Cafeteria Manager”
Do you ever catch yourself questioning how you can possibly make a difference in another person’s life? Cafeteria Manager, Valerie Galmish is retiring from being the lunchroom manager at Bellevue’s Big Picture School. KBCS’s Yuko Kodama speaks with her about her work, and Galmish shares why she is so passionate about grasping each opportunity to connect with the students she serves.