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Fall Fund Drive

Our Fall Fund Drive begins tomorrow, but you can help KBCS get a head start by making your gift today. Nearly 90% of KBCS funding comes from individual listeners. Help keep the programs you love going strong by donating now!

$150,000 Goal


Drive ends: September 30, 2024

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Election 2018: Initiative 1631 on Pollution and Clean Energy

KBCS’s Elections 2018 coverage turns to Initiative 1631, focusing on pollution and clean energy. The measure would charge pollution fees on sources of green house gas pollutants and use the revenue to reduce pollution, promote clean energy, and address climate impacts under oversight of a public board. KBCS’s Jim Cantú spoke with Dana Bieber, coalition spokesperson for the No on 1631 campaign, and Mo McBroom, from The Nature Conservancy; an organization that is part of the coalition supporting Initiative 1631.
