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Salmon Run

Late fall is the beginning of the salmon run season in the Pacific Northwest.  It’s the time of year salmon make their end of life journey up the tributaries in our region to spawn as their last gesture before they die.

Naturalist, Ed Dominguez takes you along the banks of Piper’s Creek in Seattle’s Carkeek Park with KBCS’s Yuko Kodama to describe the life cycle and important contributions of the salmon to the ecosystem.

Producers; Jesse Callahan and Yuko Kodama

Image: Ingrid Taylar

Low Tide

It’s a low tide weekend in the Seattle area. Check out the sea vegetation and sea life in the tidepools with Naturalist, Ed Dominguez at Meadowdale Beach Park in Edmonds, Washington. (more…)

Nature: Horsetail

This KBCS nature segment focuses on the horsetail plant, a local plant which has been around since dinosaurs walked the earth. KBCS’s Yuko Kodama took a walk through Seattle’s Seward Park with Ed Dominguez, Audubon Center Lead Naturalist, to discuss the unique characteristics of this plant. Included in the discussion is the fact that horsetail plants reproduce with spores and is sometimes eaten by bears.


Nature: Chickadee

This KBCS nature segment focuses on a small bird found locally, the Chickadee. KBCS’s Yuko Kodama joins Ed Dominguez, Audubon Center Lead Naturalist at Seattle’s Seward Park, to find out about the unique characteristics of the two types of Chickadees found in the Seattle area: the Black-capped Chickadee and the Chestnut-backed Chickadee. Also included in the discussion is the fact that Chickadees actually add to their brain cell mass in the fall, in order to remember seed locations. In spring, their brains will shrink back.


Nature: Great Blue Heron Nesting

Find out more about Seattle’s official city bird, the Great Blue Heron, and their nesting habits in this KBCS nature segment. KBCS’s Yuko Kodama talks to Ed Dominguez, Audubon Lead Naturalist in Seattle’s Seward Park, as they visit a Great Blue Heron rookery.


Nature: How Crows Build Their Nests

KBCS’s Yuko Kodama joins Seward Park Audubon Center Lead Naturalist, Ed Dominguez, to learn more about how Crows teach their young. Also find out what crows look for when they’re in the market for a home, in this week’s Nature segment. (more…)