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Letter from the KBCS General Manager – January 2025

Dear Friends and Loyal KBCS Supporters

I am writing this newsletter after completing and submitting our required annual audit for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) Community Services Grant (CSG). The CPB, a key supporter of public broadcasting, oversees the audit process to ensure transparency and accountability. I am happy to report that this audit performed by an independent auditing firm confirms that we have ended our fifth year with another balanced budget and a healthy surplus to add to our emergency contingency fund. I will post this audit online on our homepage once the CPB completes its review and approval process. Our CSG grant from the CPB for this new year is estimated to be around $128,000.00, a substantial portion of our overall operating budget for our fifty-plus-year-old independent community radio station in the Pacific Northwest. (more…)

Win Tickets to the Avett Brothers with Camping at the Gorge

We’re giving away a pair of tickets to see the Avett Brothers, Lake Street Dive, and Trampled by Turtles at the Gorge Amphitheater in George, WA on August 10th. Along with the tickets, you’ll also get passes to camp at the gorge for August 9-11th.

Don’t wait, the drawing will take place at 7pm. Donate now to get automatically entered to win.

While there’s no donation required to get entered into the drawing (Drawing Entry Only), your contribution plays a critical KBCS continue to bring you and your community the independent music, news, and information you count on.

See Full Contest Rules Here


Pet Challenge Day

The age old debate is alive at KBCS today. Which pet is best? Cats? Dogs? Something else?

Donate here or call us at 425-564-5000 to donate and let us know which pet your vote goes to and we’ll add you and your pet to our “Pet Hall of Fame”.

KBCS Pet Hall of Fame:

Heather in Seattle donating on behalf of her dog, Pickle
Ruth in Seattle donating on behalf of her rabbit, Micki
Devin in Tacoma donating on behalf of his dog, Kodiak
Lana in Federal Way donating on behalf of her dog Iris, cat Bells, and cat Sally
Elaine in Seattle donating on behalf of her cats, Lucifer and Sunshine
Karin in Seattle donating on behalf of her dog, Frito
Kay in Seattle donating in memory of her dog, Penny
Susan in Tacoma, donating on behalf of her cat, Butters
Nancy in Renton, donating on behalf of her bunnies, Henri and Josephine
Carole in Seattle, donating on behalf of her cats Rome and Cici
Rita in Snohomish, donating on behalf of her dog, Bonnie
Emily in Shoreline, donating on behalf of her dogs Peco, Leon, and Curly
Jennifer in Federal Way, donating on behalf of her cats Piper and Leo
Stuart in Phinney Ridge, donating on behalf of his cat Sophie
Jeanne in Seattle, donating on behalf of her dog, Georgia
Arnold in Seattle, donating on behalf of his parakeet, Pete
Gary and Susan in Redmond, donating on behalf of their cats Scarlett and Fuzzy
Bill in Renton, donating on behalf of his dog, Ralphie
Sarah in Seattle , donating on behalf of her cat, Jax
Ronald in Kent, donating on behalf of his dog, Sampson
Geraldine in Woodinville, donating on behalf her horse, Apple
Paul in Seattle, donating on behalf of his snake, Timmy
Joan in Seattle, on behalf of her dog, Janey
Sara in Bothell on behalf of her dog, Ted



Fair Trade Friday – KBCS Spring Fund Drive

Today is Fair Trade Friday at KBCS! That means when you make a one-time donation of $120 or become a KBCS Sustaining Donor at the $10/month level we will thank you with the KBCS coffee mug PLUS a bag of delicious Fair Trade coffee from our partners at Equal Exchange.

This offer is only good for a few more hours so take advantage of supporting the music, news, and commentary you count on while also treating yourself to quality coffee and a mug that will make you think of KBCS every time you take a sip! Please make your donation now!