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On the Ground in Poland to help Ukrainians Fleeing War

What’s happening on the ground in Poland where Ukrainians are fleeing to by the thousands? A local Sammamish resident and his brother are there to help.

Here is information on their project, Suitcases for Ukraine.

Producer: Yuko Kodama

Photo Credit: Lance and Thury Foster

Pramila Jayapal Visits Texas Border

Immigrants at the southern US border are facing unprecedented obstacles and are being separated from their children.  On July 20, 2018, Jayapal co-led a group of eight U.S. Congress members to the U.S. border in Texas, where they watched a mass criminal prosecution of immigrants in a federal court and witnessed immigrant parents being reunited with their children.   Jayapal shares what she saw in Texas with KBCS’s Yuko Kodama.


Asylum Status

What is asylum status, the process for applying for asylum, and what are the chances of  attaining it?  Maggie Cheng, a Northwest Immigrant Rights Project staff attorney, speaks with KBCS’s Yuko Kodama about what it’s like to seek asylum status in the United States today.
