Unmute the Commute: Breastfeeding on Transit
For this week’s Unmute the Commute, follow us with two Seattle moms as they share their experiences breastfeeding on public transit. Produced by Ann Kane.
Unmute the Commute: Get on the Bus! Transit Training
Remember the first time you rode public transit? Think of what your learning curve was like. You may not have known that here in King County, Metro offers training to help flatten that learning curve. Today on Unmute the Commute, Transit Training. Produced by Jennie Cecil-Moore.
Unmute the Commute is supported in part by Just One Trip, a King County Metro campaign to get you out of your car – starting with just one trip.
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Sound Transit 3 Ballot Measure
With a national election approaching, voters are weighing some key issues. For Puget Sound area residents, a major transportation initiative will be decided. If approved, Sound Transit 3 will expand and improve local transit. Jennie Cecil Moore interviewed Abigail Doerr, Advocacy Director of Transportation Choices Coalition , Puget Sound Sage Program Manager, Uba Gaardherre and former King County Councilmember and organizer for Smarter Transit, Maggie Fimia.