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Fall Fund Drive

Our Fall Fund Drive begins tomorrow, but you can help KBCS get a head start by making your gift today. Nearly 90% of KBCS funding comes from individual listeners. Help keep the programs you love going strong by donating now!

$150,000 Goal


Drive ends: September 30, 2024

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Nights at the Neptune

Access to performances and stages can be hard to come by for those who don’t have the cash, but want to put on a show.  The Seattle Theatre Group (STG) has changed the game for the summer season.  STG opened Nights at the Neptune where local groups could apply for a night to perform at the Neptune Theatre.  Shows picked range from a flick picked by the Seattle Latino Film Festival to plays written by homeless and at-risk youth.  Today, we find out how this series came about and highlight a couple of upcoming performances.


Martin Sepulveda is the Program Manager and director of the performance/event, Ward of State.

Melik Gaines is a performer of spoken word.

Techung is a Tibetan folk and freedom singer/songwriter currently living in exile in the San Francisco Bay Area.

Tshedzom Tingkhye is a performer of song and dance with Techung and Lhasa Spirits and local youth.

Listen and download the interview here: KBCS_M+I_20130813_Nights at the Neptune