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Emergency Vigil In Solidarity with a Palestinian call for a General Strike

On Tuesday, May 18th, An Emergency Vigil in Solidarity with a Palestinian all for a General Strike was held at Jimi Hendrix Park, next to the Northwest African American Museum.  KBCS reporter, Fadumo Ali contributed this story about the event.





Vigil for Atlanta Shooting Victims

A group gathered for a vigil in Seattle’s Chinatown International District to honor the lives of eight people killed in the Atlanta shooting on March 16th.  Listen to collected sounds and interviews with people there.


Eastside Vigil after Orlando Massacre

An Interfaith Vigil was held in Bellevue after the Orlando Massacre. Last month, KBCS reporter Casey Martin looked into the impact of this event and other hate crimes on our local Muslim and gay communities. The shooting took place during the Observance of Ramadan and Pride Month.


photo by torbakhopper