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Fall Fund Drive

Our Fall Fund Drive begins tomorrow, but you can help KBCS get a head start by making your gift today. Nearly 90% of KBCS funding comes from individual listeners. Help keep the programs you love going strong by donating now!

$150,000 Goal


Drive ends: September 30, 2024

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Food Insecurity

According to a 2011 Feeding America study, “Map the Meal Gap: Child Food Insecurity 2011”, while one in six Americans overall are food insecure, the rate for children is much higher: nearly one in four children are food insecure. This means that these individuals are unsure of the source of their next meal.

You can help feed hungry families by taking a bite out of some great food at the Bite of Seattle happening Friday, July 19th through Sunday, July 21st. All proceeds from the Alley hosted by Tom Douglas benefit Food Lifeline. Food Lifeline is a nonprofit organization dedicated to ending hunger in Western Washington.


Linda Nageotte is the CEO of Food Lifeline.

Listen and download the interview here: KBCS_M+I_20130718_Food Insecurity

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