Finding Hillywood

April 14, 2014 - 1:39 pm
The Rwandan genocide began claiming up to a million lives in April 20 years ago. Today, we highlight a documentary film based in Rwanda called Finding Hillywood. It’s created by a local director, Leah Warshawski and the film focuses on the vibrant Rwandan film industry today. We talk about this film and take a look at how Rwanda’s government and economy fare today.
- Leah Warshawski – Director of the documentary film, Finding Hillywood
- Marie Berry – PhD Candidate at UCLA in Sociology. She’s been researching Rwanda since 2007. She’s also the President of the Board of Directors for Global Youth Connect, a cross cultural human rights training program for youth in post-genocide countries.
- Kevin Henry – Cultural Diversity Communications Coordinator at the City of Bellevue.
Upcoming screenings:
April 15th noon at South Seattle Community College
April 16th 4 pm at Seattle University
April 22nd 6 pm at the Bellevue Downtown Library
April 23rd 6:30 pm at University of Washington (Seattle) Ethnic Cultural Center (screened along with other footage and films about Rwanda)
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