KBCS General Manager Message – January 2021

January 27, 2021 - 1:27 pm
“Happy New Year and welcome to the twenty-first year of the twenty-first century!” I saw that scrawled on the message board in KBCS House Five recently and it gave me pause to reflect on the argument that 2021 is actually the beginning of a new millennia and that 2020 was year zero. Yet another appropriate epithet for last year, don’t you think?
There can be no argument however that these are historic times. Between the ravages of the deadly global pandemic and the ongoing political, social and economic schism that our country is struggling with, we are all living and coping with serious challenges that impact all our lives and livelihoods.
This is why we have added live headline newscasts from the BBC World Service at the top of the hour during the afternoons and overnights on KBCS. With all the dramatic changes and events in our world today, keeping our listeners up to date and informed is important. These brief newscasts give you just enough news to keep you aware of current events without overwhelming you with too much information.
On another note, I am happy to report that our recently completed KBCS Calendar Year End fundraising campaign was a success and we are still on track to meet our important fiscal year end goal to achieve self-sustainability. Together, we can do this, and with the continued moral and financial support of thousands of our long time listeners and new listeners, KBCS is looking forward to the next fifty years of great community radio programming.
Thank you for your support of listener supported KBCS. As long as each of us do our part, we can continue to make beautiful music together.
Dana Buckingham
General Manager and Proud Sustaining Contributor of Community Radio KBCS
- Behind the Lens at the Nation’s Capitol During an Insurrection
- Sustainability Campaign Update – Q2