Unmute the Commute: Walking to School
Today on Unmute the Commute, we take a trip to school. Produced by Michelle Waller Martin. Unmute the Commute is supported in part by Just One Trip. A King County Metro initiative to get you out of your car starting with just one trip.
Unmute the Commute: One Bus Away from Love
A Metro bus can be a lot of things – a way to get to work, a social hub and even a place to find love. On today’s Unmute the Commute, we hear from one rider who is trying to bring passengers together… with mixed success.
Unmute the Commute: Super Commuters
A growing number of people in Western Washington are commuting for more than an hour and a half to work. We follow one of these journeys on today’s Unmute the Commute.
Unmute the Commute: Biker, Lawyer… Bike Lawyer
Over the last four years, deaths of pedestrians and bicyclists in Washington State have doubled. This comes at a time when the state wants to get to zero traffic fatalities by the year 2030. So, how do we get there? We talk to Seattle bike lawyer Bob Anderton to hear one proposal. Produced by Jennie Cecil ...
Unmute the Commute: I Believe You Can Do More
Each week, power lifter Mark Bryant puts down his weights and teaches a senior fitness class.
Unmute the Commute: Your Driver is Mayor David Baker
Everyday we rely on people to get us around – in buses, carpools, rideshares… but who are the people driving us? On this week’s Unmute the Commute, we hear from an Uber driver who also happens to be the mayor of Kenmore.
Unmute the Commute: The Ferry Riot
In 1987, a riot on a Washington State ferry resulted in over $30,000 worth of damage to the SV Kitsap. On this week’s Unmute the Commute, we talk to people who were there about what happened, and more importantly, why there was a riot in the first place. Featuring: Chris Looney (Infamous Kitsap Ferry Riot) + JG ...
Unmute the Commute: The Water Taxi
Since the Alaskan Way Viaduct closed, riders on the West Seattle Water Taxi have more than doubled. King County Metro is hoping that some of those new riders will keep using the water taxi even after the tunnel replacing the viaduct opens. On this week’s Unmute the Commute, we take a trip to Elliott Bay ...
Unmute the Commute: A Pedicab Ride
For the last Unmute the Commute of the season, we take a ride on a pedicab and explore Seattle’s unique history with the three wheeled transport. Produced by Jennie Cecil Moore.
Unmute the Commute: Biking in the Rain
Biking in the rain – does anything sound more pleasant than that? On today’s show, we meet an avid cyclist who talks about the challenges and joys of riding a bike in the Northwest.
Unmute the Commute: This is Home
Often in this series, we feature stories about people in dense urban areas taking buses to work or community events. Outside of Seattle and its suburbs, many people rely on public transit as well. But bus service hasn’t always been reliable in rural areas. Today we take a bus ride in Snoqualmie Valley and look ...
Unmute the Commute: A Home for Buttercup
Washington has a handful of prisons scattered across the state – so if you’re convicted of a crime in Spokane, you may end up incarcerated in Clallam Bay or Shelton. This can mean a long trip for family members or spouses. Produced by Max Wasserman.
Unmute the Commute: Bikes, Bread, and Traffic
The period of maximum constraint – that’s the term city planners are using for the next few years in Seattle, when a series of major construction projects will take place to improve transportation in the city’s core. But before these improvements are finished, there is a lot of construction and some nearby business owners are ...
Unmute the Commute: Access
King County Metro’s Access paratransit service takes around 3,000 trips a day. It carries passengers who would otherwise be excluded from public transit due to a disability. But some who ride paratransit believe that it could be improved and feel now is the time for change. Produced by Rachel Stevens.
Unmute the Commute: The Mad Bus Driver
Riding the bus can, at times, be surprising – it can elicit humor, kindness and gratitude among riders. No one knows this better than Anthony Session. During the day, Session drives King County Metro’s route 7 bus. But on stage, where he calls himself the Mad Bus Driver, Session is a stand up comedian, doing ...
Unmute the Commute: Seattle’s Freeway Revolt
It has been fifty years since a group of Seattle citizens successfully fought a major freeway planned through their neighborhood. What did the fight look like? And what can it tell us about activism today?
Unmute the Commute: Ancient Highways
We explore our region’s original commutes along the water highways of the Salish Sea and Pacific Coast.
Unmute the Commute: South on Seven with Chef T
A chef makes a meal based on the seven bus in Seattle — partially to pay tribute to the rapidly changing neighborhoods along the line.
Unmute the Commute: The Tech Buses
Corporate run buses shuttling employees to and from tech campuses are ubiquitous in Seattle. What is it like to ride one? And why are some transit advocates worried about them?
Unmute the Commute: A Friend and a Stranger
Today on Unmute the Commute, we’re following the commute of Caleb Gustin to the VA hospital, where they work. In addition to working as nurse at the VA, Gustin dresses in drag and teaches inclusive sex ed. Produced by Rachel Stevens.
Unmute the Commute: The Vanpool
Today on Unmute the Commute, we talk with some vanpool riders about the social side of their daily commute. Produced by Gregg Selby.
Unmute the Commute: The Bus Roadeo
When you think rodeos, bucking broncos or steer wrestling may come to mind, but what about parallel parking and judgement stops? We follow a competitor in a bus roadeo on Unmute the Commute.
Unmute the Commute: The Canine Commute
The Puget Sound region has grown quickly over the last 10 years. That means thousands more people are in cars headed to work. But there’s another population also sitting in traffic: dogs. Produced by Jennie Cecil-Moore.
Unmute the Commute: Seniors’ Health and Public Transit
On today’s Unmute the Commute we look at the relationship between riding public transit and the health of older adults. Produced by Michelle Wallar Martin.
Unmute the Commute: The Access Map
Seattle’s steep hills can make traversing the city difficult for those with limited mobility. But, computer scientists at the University of Washington hope to help with a map that routes people through public elevators and lower grade streets. Today’s story: The Access Map. Produced by Casey Martin and Hans Anderson. To test out new versions of ...
Unmute the Commute: The Solowheel
“The Future of Commuting” is already here, reads many headlines today. But what does that really look like? Today on Unmute the Commute, we explore one of these futures – that is already a reality in Seattle. Produced by Jennie Cecil-Moore. Unmute the Commute is a weekly series featuring stories that move you.
Unmute the Commute: The SODO Busway Murals
There’s an art gallery in Seattle only accessible by public transit. Today on Unmute the Commute, the SODO Busway Murals. Produced by Ann Kane. Unmute the Commute is a weekly series featuring stories that move you.
Unmute the Commute: Angel Flight West
Have you ever wondered how some of our neighbours in outlying islands make it to medical centers quickly when needed? Today on Unmute the Commute, here’s one solution. Produced by Jennie Cecil-Moore. Unmute the Commute is a weekly series featuring stories that move you.
Unmute the Commute: Cutting the Ferry Line
Today on Unmute the Commute, we’re speaking with some regular ferry commuters who… all have the same thing on their minds. Produced by Ann Kane. Unmute the Commute is a weekly series featuring stories that move you.
Unmute the Commute: Get on the Bus! Transit Training
Remember the first time you rode public transit? Think of what your learning curve was like. You may not have known that here in King County, Metro offers training to help flatten that learning curve. Today on Unmute the Commute, Transit Training. Produced by Jennie Cecil-Moore. Unmute the Commute is supported in part by Just One ...
The Undocumented Commute
Today on Unmute the Commute, we bring you an undocumented story. Produced by Michelle Wallar Martin. Immigration resources: City’s Immigrant Rights Office: http://www.seattle.gov/iandraffairs/resources Northwest Immigrant Rights Project: https://www.nwirp.org/
Unmute the Commute: Three Blocks from Home
This Unmute the Commute is about pedestrian safety in two chapters. Produced by Hebah Fisher. Additional Resources: Vision Zero Seattle Unmute the Commute is a weekly series featuring stories that move you.
Unmute the Commute: The Commute Challenge
20 days, 20 different commutes. Today’s Unmute the Commute is brought to us by producer Jennie Cecil Moore. For more details about Bruce’s commute challenge, check out his blog. Unmute the Commute is a weekly series sponsored in part by Just One Trip, a King County Metro campaign to get you out of your car, starting with ...
Unmute the Commute: the Kent Food Desert
Kicking off Season III of Unmute the Commute with a ride along to the Kent Food desert. Unmute the Commute is a weekly series featuring stories that move you. Produced by Casey Martin